The Mooncup: A Tool to Measure Menstrual Bleeding Loss Volume
Global Journal of Reproductive Medicine Juniper Publishers Abstract Background: The mooncup is not a tool habitually used for quantifying the volume of menstrual blood loss. Objective: The aims of the study were to explore mooncup management by Spanish women and estimate the volume of menstrual blood loss. Method: This is a comparative observational study involving 94 healthy women who participated voluntarily following a mass invitation on Face book. This is an accidental, non-probability sampling technique. The participants completed an online questionnaire drafted using the following program:, which included socio-demographic and mooncup use factors, with the aim of estimating menstrual volume. Depending on individual hygiene habits the cup was emptied when full, half-full or only stained. Result: Overall, a mean figure of 3,25 cups/woman/day were emptied (SD 1.77, CI 95%, 2.88-3.61). T...